Real Estate Broker Sofia
Independent One-Stop Sofia Property Broker
Sofia Property Broker are an independent real estate business in Sofia and aim to provide concierge style real estate services to our clients that go beyond those offered by the large real estate agents in Sofia, Bulgaria by offering a single solution for buying or selling property.
We have a detailed knowledge of the real estate market value in Sofia and will not waste your time in showing you over-priced, badly located properties or offering your assets at an unrealistic price to unvetted buyers.
We concentrate on up-market properties in the best areas of Sofia and will listen to your detailed requirements before arranging viewings (even remotely) or putting your property on the market without a proper analysis.
As an independent Sofia Property Broker we can offer reduced lower fees than large brokers, are not limited by large broker restrictions and do not require a deposit before an offer can be made to the seller.
The scope of activities that we offer include:
- Provide a complete service including orientation, finishing to financial services contacts
- Appraise property values, listing properties for sale or rent and arrange viewings
- Preparation of the paperwork required to complete the sale or rental of a piece of real estate
- Property management including screening, maintenance and inspections
- Relocation services including orientation, school finder and temporary accommodation.
Working with Buyers to Find a Property
You will only find a few of our featured properties listed on this website as we are real estate brokers with very wide connections in Sofia and are able to filter out the properties that meet your requirements so that we can offer you a targeted set of options for your investment in Sofia.
We have a detailed knowledge of the Sofia real estate market and often receive opportunities before the property is advertised. By using our concierge real estate services in Sofia, Bulgaria you can avoid wasting time contacting multiple agents who do not have your interests at heart or scouring property portals in Sofia.
If you are looking for an investment property in Sofia, Bulgaria we can advise you of target renters, normal length of lease and likely ROI. We will help by:
- Ensuring that you understand the market
- Only offering properties in their desired area in your price range that meet your criteria.
- Coordinating and viewing properties.
- Helping you with negotiations with the seller
- Coordinating inspections, reports and repair negotiations
- Explaining the transaction process and assisting buyers through to closing and taking possession.
Working with Sellers to Market Your Property
We are real estate marketing experts and know how to generate interest in your property both from our list of current buyers (both Bulgarian and International) and by promoting your property online using our in-house digital marketing team.
Some of our activities on behalf of sellers include:
- Listing homes for sale on local and international listing websites.
- Providing full on-line marketing services
- Sharing the brokerage listings with other brokers when required.
- Advising the home seller in preparing their home for listing and showings
- Supervising showing and providing feedback
- Submitting any offers to the seller for consideration and assisting in negotiations
- Working on the seller’s behalf in coordinating and explaining the transaction process.
Our Real Estate Services in Sofia, Bulgaria
Our clients include executives entrepreneurs, and professionals that come from Bulgaria and other parts of the world.
When we take you on a new client, we will understand what motivates you, what are you looking for, and where does Sofia fit into your vision as we want Bulgaria to treat you well.
During the real estate transaction process, we will be able to put you in contact with:
- Lenders who can help you with required funding
- Lawyers who provide no bullshit answers to your questions
- Surveyors who can give accurate valuations of the property
- Property finishers to complete your home or investment
- Notaries to finalise the transaction
- Accredited Translators
- Provide due diligence on a property, company or counter part
- Full relocation services
- Property management

Please contact me by chat, email or telephone with any questions that you have about purchasing or selling real-estate in Sofia.
Bistra Bogoeva
Some Questions Frequently Asked by Our Clients
A: If you live in Bulgaria then viewings can be arranged in a couple of days’ notice. Otherwise inform us of your visiting schedule we can arrange viewings to fit your plans.
When you find the property that you wish to purchase then you will need to make a deposit of between 2000 to 5000 Euros. The seller will then take the property off the market, and we will start drawing up the preliminary sales contract.
The preliminary sales contract will be between 10-30% depending on many circumstances such as purchasing directly from the developer.
The deposit amount is included in the property price. The deposit will be refunded only if the seller refuses the transaction.
The final stage is the notary deal registration which includes paying the balance of the purchase price.
All professional services in Sofia are available in English but it will be very useful for you to learn some basic Bulgarian to help you purchase foods, talk to your cleaner, call a taxi, etc.
The public transport system is very good in Sofia. The best way to travel is by using the Metro which is fast and safe. If you are not close to a Metro station then there will certainly be a bus or tram stop nearby.
The older parts of Sofia are connected to the municipality central heating system which gets switched on/off when the weather gets cold enough in October and April.
More and more parts of Sofia are getting connected to the national gas company to give you another option.
Increasingly popular in new construction is underfloor heating and cooling with a heat pump system based on the “Water – Air” principle, which is built by the investor.
The final alternative is electricity which is available to all properties and can be used to power your air conditioning as well.